--- abstract: |-2 This paper explores a remarkable convergence of ideas and evidence, previously presented in separate places by its authors. That convergence has now become so persuasive that we believe we are working within substantially the same broad framework. Taylor’s mathematical papers on neuronal systems involved in consciousness dovetail well with work by Newman and Baars on the thalamocortical system, suggesting a brain mechanism much like the global workspace architecture developed by Baars (see references below). This architecture is relational, in the sense that it continuously mediates the interaction of input with memory. While our approaches overlap in a number of ways, each of us tends to focus on different areas of detail. What is most striking, and we believe significant, is the extent of consensus, which we believe to be consistent with other contemporary approaches by Weiskrantz, Gray, Crick and Koch, Edelman, Gazzaniga, Newell and colleagues, Posner, Baddeley, and a number of others. We suggest that cognitive neuroscience is moving toward a shared understanding of consciousness in the brain. altloc: [] chapter: 24 commentary: ~ commref: ~ confdates: ~ conference: ~ confloc: ~ contact_email: ~ creators_id: [] creators_name: - family: Baars given: Bernard honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Newman given: James honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Taylor given: John honourific: '' lineage: '' date: 1998 date_type: published datestamp: 2000-08-28 department: ~ dir: disk0/00/00/09/46 edit_lock_since: ~ edit_lock_until: ~ edit_lock_user: ~ editors_id: [] editors_name: - family: Hameroff given: Stuart honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Kaszniak given: Al honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Laukes given: James honourific: '' lineage: '' eprint_status: archive eprintid: 946 fileinfo: /style/images/fileicons/text_html.png;/946/1/Baars%2C_Newman_and_Taylor_Tucson_9x_html.htm full_text_status: public importid: ~ institution: ~ isbn: ~ ispublished: pub issn: ~ item_issues_comment: [] item_issues_count: 0 item_issues_description: [] item_issues_id: [] item_issues_reported_by: [] item_issues_resolved_by: [] item_issues_status: [] item_issues_timestamp: [] item_issues_type: [] keywords: 'consciousness, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive theory, neuroscience theory, awareness, attention, brain theory' lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:54:23 latitude: ~ longitude: ~ metadata_visibility: show note: ~ number: ~ pagerange: 269-278 pubdom: FALSE publication: 'Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The second Tucson discussions and debates.' publisher: MIT Press refereed: TRUE referencetext: |- Alavi F and Taylor JG (1993) "A Global Competitive Network for Attention", Neural Network World, 5, 477-502. 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