"9225","Elements of dialectical contextualism","In what follows, I strive to present the elements of a philosophical doctrine, which can be defined as dialectical contextualism. I proceed first to define the elements of this doctrine: dualities and polar contraries, the principle of dialectical indifference and the one-sidedness bias. I emphasize then the special importance of this doctrine in one specific field of meta-philosophy: the methodology for solving philosophical paradoxes. Finally, I describe several applications of this methodology on the following paradoxes: Hempel's paradox, the surprise examination paradox and the Doomsday Argument.","http://cogprints.org/9225/","Franceschi, Dr Paul","UNSPECIFIED"," Franceschi, Dr Paul (2014) Elements of dialectical contextualism. [Preprint] ","p.franceschi@univ-corse.fr","2014-03-07"