"9085","Direct recordings of grid-like neuronal activity in human spatial navigation","Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex appear to represent spatial location via a triangular coordinate system. Such cells, which have been identified in rats, bats and monkeys, are believed to support a wide range of spatial behaviors. Recording neuronal activity from neurosurgical patients performing a virtual-navigation task, we identified cells exhibiting grid-like spiking patterns in the human brain, suggesting that humans and simpler animals rely on homologous spatial-coding schemes.","http://cogprints.org/9085/","Jacobs, Joshua and Weidemann, Christoph T. and Miller, Jonathan F. and Solway, Alec and Burke, John F. and Wei, Xue-Xin and Suthana, Nanthia and Sperling, Michael R. and Sharan, Ashwini D. and Fried, Itzhak and Kahana, Michael J.","UNSPECIFIED"," Jacobs, Joshua and Weidemann, Christoph T. and Miller, Jonathan F. and Solway, Alec and Burke, John F. and Wei, Xue-Xin and Suthana, Nanthia and Sperling, Michael R. and Sharan, Ashwini D. and Fried, Itzhak and Kahana, Michael J. (2013) Direct recordings of grid-like neuronal activity in human spatial navigation. [Journal (Paginated)] ","","2013"