"8909","Distributed Estimation Based on Prior Information","In this paper, we propose an approach for distributed estimation algorithm using Bayesian-based forward backward (FB) Kalman filter (KF) used on a stochastic singular linear system. The approach incorporates generalized versions of KF presented for cases with complete or incomplete a-priori information with bounds, followed by estimation fusion for these cases. The proposed approach is then validated on a coupled tank system to ensure its effectiveness.","http://cogprints.org/8909/","Mahmoud, Professor Magdi S. and Khalid, Dr. Haris M. ","UNSPECIFIED"," Mahmoud, Professor Magdi S. and Khalid, Dr. Haris M. (2012) Distributed Estimation Based on Prior Information. [Preprint] ",",harism.khalid@yahoo.com","2012-07"