creators_name: Ale Ebrahim, Nader creators_name: Ahmed, Shamsuddin creators_name: Taha, Zahari creators_id: type: journalp datestamp: 2011-12-16 00:01:16 lastmod: 2011-12-16 00:01:16 metadata_visibility: show title: Innovation and R & D activities in virtual team ispublished: pub subjects: JOURNALS subjects: comp-sci-art-intel full_text_status: public keywords: Virtual team, Literature review, Innovation, Research and Development abstract: Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at the regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development, which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal, through cooperation between suppliers and customers, service providers and scientific institutions to achieve innovations of high quality. Depending on the type of industry, the type of business, the type of innovation and the strategic objectives that have been set, firms will regularly have to modify the way in which their R\&D and innovation are organized. Nowadays, shift from serial to simultaneous and parallel working in innovation has become more commonplace. Literature's have shown that collaboration is as a meta-capability for innovation. By a comprehensive reviewing of literature this article after define virtual teams and its characteristics, addressing virtual environment innovation and the relationship to R&D activities. Finally conclude that innovation cannot be successful, unless the knowledge and information in the R&D project are effectively captured, shared and internalized by the R&D project?s virtual team members. date: 2009 date_type: published publication: European Journal of Scientific Research volume: 34 number: 3 publisher: EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009 pagerange: 297-307 refereed: TRUE referencetext: ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team. European Journal of Scientific Research, 34, 297-307. [1] ADAMS, R., BESSANT, J. & PHELPS, R. (2006) Innovation Management Measurement: A Review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 8, 21-47. [2] ANDERSON, A. H., MCEWAN, R., BAL, J. & CARLETTA, J. (2007) Virtual team meetings: An analysis of communication and context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 2558–2580. [3] ARRANZ, N. & ARROYABE, J. C. F. D. (2008) The choice of partners in R&D cooperation: An empirical analysis of Spanish firms. 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