creators_name: Joshi PA, Vishal S. Bhoir, Int J Cur Sci Res. creators_id: type: journalp datestamp: 2011-05-02 15:53:38 lastmod: 2011-05-02 15:53:38 metadata_visibility: show title: Study of Histamine Forming Bacteria in Commercial fish samples of Kalyan city ispublished: pub subjects: JOURNALS full_text_status: public keywords: Histamine, Fish, Scombroid toxicity, Histidine decarboxylase abstract: Histamine food poisoning is found to be associated with consumption of scombroid fish containing unusually high levels of histamine. Fish belonging to non-scombroid group may also cause histamine poisoning. In this study, histamine forming bacteria in the commercial fish samples of local markets of Kalyan region were investigated. Among 54 isolates 24 were found to be prominent histamine producers. A simple and rapid colorimetric method for the quantification of histamine in fish was used. Histamine level in fresh mackerel samples was found to be around 20 mg/100 g, which was much above the defect action level (5 mg/100 g) given by FDA indicating potential risk for histamine poisoning. The study suggest that practice of more hygienic and sanitary conditions during handling and processing of fish are required to minimize the contamination of such histamine producing bacteria date: 2011-04-30 date_type: published publication: Int J Cur Sci Res. volume: 1 number: 2 publisher: CurrentSciDirect Publications pagerange: 39-42 refereed: TRUE referencetext: [1] Choudhury M, Sahu M, Sivakumar K, Thangaradjou T, Kannan L. Inhibition of actinomycetes to histamine producing bacteria associated with Indian mackerel fish. Journal of Fisheries and Aqut. Sci.2008; 3: 126-136. [2] Taylor S L. Histamine food poisoning: Toxicology and clinical aspects. Crit. Rev.Toxicol. 1986; 17: 91-128. [3] Eitenmiller R, Orr J,Wallis W. 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(2011) Study of Histamine Forming Bacteria in Commercial fish samples of Kalyan city. [Journal (Paginated)] document_url: