"7235","Motion as manipulation: Implementation of motion and force analogies by event-file binding and action planning ","Tool improvisation analogies are a special case of motion and force analogies that appear to be implemented pre-conceptually, in many species, by event-file binding and action planning. A detailed reconstruction of the analogical reasoning steps involved in Rutherford's and Bohr's development of the first quantized-orbit model of atomic structure is used to show that human motion and force analogies generally can be implemented by the event-file binding and action planning mechanism. Predictions that distinguish this model from competing concept-level models of analogy are discussed, available data pertaining to them are reviewed, and further experimental tests are proposed.","http://cogprints.org/7235/","Fields, Chris","UNSPECIFIED"," Fields, Chris (2011) Motion as manipulation: Implementation of motion and force analogies by event-file binding and action planning. [Preprint] ","fieldsres@gmail.com","2011-03-05"