"6569","Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Phenomenon - A case of the widening eye","Marcus Gunn jaw winking phenomenon is a congenital synkinetic movement due to synkinesis between the upper eyelid and the pterygoids and it accounts for 8% of patients with congenital ptosis. In rare instances, ptosis may be absent. We present a case of Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking phenomenon without ptosis at presentation","http://cogprints.org/6569/","Bhat, KG and Karanth, A","Kakkilaya, Dr Srinivas"," Bhat, KG and Karanth, A (2009) Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Phenomenon - A case of the widening eye. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] ","bhat_kamalakshi@yahoo.co.in,","2009-05-05"