creators_name: Tikhanoff, Vadim creators_name: Cangelosi, Angelo creators_name: Fitzpatrick, Paul creators_name: Metta, Giorgio creators_name: Natale, Lorenzo creators_name: Nori, Francesco editors_name: Madhavan , R editors_name: Messina, E.R. type: bookchapter datestamp: 2008-10-22 01:17:17 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:57:13 metadata_visibility: show title: An Open-Source Simulator for Cognitive Robotics Research: The Prototype of the iCub Humanoid Robot Simulator ispublished: pub subjects: comp-sci-robot subjects: comp-sci-art-intel full_text_status: public keywords: Open-Source, Simulator, iCub humanoid robot, cognitive robotics abstract: This paper presents the prototype of a new computer simulator for the humanoid robot iCub. The iCub is a new open-source humanoid robot developed as a result of the “RobotCub” project, a collaborative European project aiming at developing a new open-source cognitive robotics platform. The iCub simulator has been developed as part of a joint effort with the European project “ITALK” on the integration and transfer of action and language knowledge in cognitive robots. This is available open-source to all researchers interested in cognitive robotics experiments with the iCub humanoid platform. date: 2008-08 date_type: published publication: Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS’08) publisher: ACM refereed: TRUE referencetext: [1] J.C. Bongard & R. Pfeifer (2003). Evolving complete agents using artificial ontogeny. In Hara, F. & R. Pfeifer, Eds., Morpho-functional Machines: The New Species (Designing Embodied Intelligence) Springer-Verlag, pp. 237-258 [2] PF Dominey (2007) Sharing Intentional Plans for Imitation and Cooperation: Integrating Clues from Child Developments and Neurophysiology into Robotics, Proceedings of the AISB 2007 Workshop on Imitation. [3] European commission, unit e5, home page., 2007. [4] Evorobot [5] P. Fitzpatrick, G. Metta, L. Natale: Towards Long-lived Robot Genes, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 56(1):29-45, 2008 [6] B. Gerkey, R. T. Vaughan and A. Howard. The Player/Stage Project: Tools for Multi-Robot and Distributed Sensor Systems. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 2003. [7] N. Koenig and A. Howard. Design and Use Paradigms for Gazebo, An Open-Source Multi-Robot Simulator. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Sendai, Japan, 2004. [8] C. Leger, Darwin2K: An Evolutionary Approach to Automated Design for Robotics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Aug 2000. [9] G. Metta, P. Fitzpatrick & L. Natale. YARP: Yet Another Robot Platform. International Journal on Advanced Robotics Systems, 3(1):43–48, 2006. [10] O. Michel, “Webots: Professional mobile robot simulation,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.39–42, 2004. [11] N. Nava,V. Tikhanoff, G. Metta, G Sandini, Kinematic and Dynamic Simulations for The Design of RoboCub Upper-Body Structure ESDA 2008 [12] S. Nolfi & D. Floreano (2000). Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books [13] Open Dynamics Engine [14 OpenSim Simulator [15 SDL – Simple DirectMedia Layer [16] Simbad Simulator - [17] Webots - [18] Ziemke T. (2003). On the role of robot simulations in embodied cognitive science, AISB Journal, 1(4), 389-99 citation: Tikhanoff, Vadim and Cangelosi, Angelo and Fitzpatrick, Paul and Metta, Giorgio and Natale, Lorenzo and Nori, Francesco (2008) An Open-Source Simulator for Cognitive Robotics Research: The Prototype of the iCub Humanoid Robot Simulator. [Book Chapter] document_url: