"5479","Indidivual differences in the behaviour of fishes","This is the official printed Russian summary of PhD Thesis, describing a series of studies of the phenotypic organization and ecological significance of individual differences in fish behavior. The following species were studied: guppy Poecilia retuculata, lion-headed cichlid Steatocranus cassuarius, convict cichlid Archocentrus nigrofasciatum, wrasses Symphodus ocellatus, S. tinca, and two species of sturgeons Acipenser stellatus and A. gueldenstaedti. In this Thesis, I developed methods for the analysis of individual differences in fish behavior and studied their structure, development, and ecological and evolutionary significance.","http://cogprints.org/5479/","Budaev, Dr. Sergey","UNSPECIFIED"," Budaev, Dr. Sergey (2000) Indidivual differences in the behaviour of fishes. [Thesis] ","","2000-12"