"4786","How qualia can be physical","Assume that a quale as we experience it is a perspective on an underlying physical state, rather than the physical state as such – the reality as known as distinct from the reality as such. Assume, further, that this inner perspective is integral to, and materially co-extensive with, the physical state itself. Assume, finally, that the physical state in question is known as a brain state of a particular kind by an external observer of the brain in which it occurs. The result is a perspective in which a quale is entirely physical; a position that resolves several known difficulties for physicalism, including those associated with the explanatory gap, Jackson’s knowledge argument, and Chalmers’ hard problem of consciousness.","http://cogprints.org/4786/","Nicholson, Mr Dennis","UNSPECIFIED"," Nicholson, Mr Dennis (2006) How qualia can be physical. [Preprint] ","","2006-03"