@misc{cogprints4409, volume = {89}, title = {La Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) pour un libre acc{\`e}s aux r{\'e}sultats de la recherche}, author = {H. Bosc}, publisher = {L'Harmattan}, year = {2003}, pages = {45--52}, journal = {Terminal}, keywords = {Budapest Open Access Initiative, BOAI}, url = {http://cogprints.org/4409/}, abstract = {La communication dans la recherche s?est progressivement transform{\'e}e ces derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es sous l?impact grandissant d?Internet et nous pr{\'e}senterons, pareil {\`a} des parcours de diff{\'e}rentes plaques tectoniques, les chemins parcourus par les principaux acteurs de la publication scientifique : les chercheurs et les biblioth{\'e}caires d?une part et les grands {\'e}diteurs scientifiques commerciaux d?autre part. Les plaques tectoniques se sont heurt{\'e}es et leur collision pourrait s?appeler Budapest Open Initiative BOAI [1]. La BOAI est une d{\'e}claration de principe pour le libre acc{\`e}s {\`a} la litt{\'e}rature scientifique. Nous verrons la strat{\'e}gie propos{\'e}e pour atteindre ce but et quelles transformations socio-{\'e}conomiques en d{\'e}coulent.- - - - - - - - [Research communication has been gradually changing in recent years under the growing impact of the Internet. We will describe the ways the "seismic shifts" being undergone by the various parties involved in research publication: Researchers and librarians on the one hand and the large commercial scientific publishers on the other. The tectonic plates have shifted and their collision is embodied in the Budapest Open Initiative BOAI [1]. The BOAI is a statement of principle on behalf of open access to the scientific and scholarly literature. We examine the strategy proposed to achieve this goal and the socio-economic transformations resulting from it.] } }