@misc{cogprints436, month = {January}, title = {Neural model of transfer-of-binding in visual relative motion perception.}, author = {J.A. Marshall and C.P. Schmitt and G.J. Kalarickal and R.K. Alley}, year = {1998}, url = {http://cogprints.org/436/}, abstract = {A new way of measuring generalization in unsupervised learning is presented. The measure is based on an exclusive allocation, or credit assignment, criterion. In a classifier that satisfies the criterion, input patterns are parsed so that the credit for each input feature is assigned exclusively to one of multiple, possibly overlapping, output categories. Such a classifier achieves context-sensitive, global representations of pattern data. Two additional constraints, sequence masking and uncertainty multiplexing, are described; these can be used to refine the measure of generalization. The generalization performance of EXIN networks, winner-take-all competitive learning networks, linear decorrelator networks, and Nigrin's SONNET-2 network is compared.} }