"4263","Artificial Science – a simulation test-bed for studying the social processes of science","it is likely that there are many different social processes occurring in different parts of science and at different times, and that these processes will impact upon the nature, quality and quantity of the knowledge that is produced in a multitude of ways and to different extents. It seems clear to me that sometimes the social processes act to increase the reliability of knowledge (such as when there is a tradition of independently reproducing experiments) but sometimes does the opposite (when a closed clique act to perpetuate itself by reducing opportunity for criticism). Simulation can perform a valuable role here by providing and refining possible linkages between the kinds of social processes and its results in terms of knowledge. Earlier simulations of this sort include Gilbert et al. in [10]. The simulation described herein aims to progress this work with a more structural and descriptive approach, that relates what is done by individuals and journals and what collectively results in terms of the overall process.","http://cogprints.org/4263/","Edmonds, Bruce","Edmonds, Bruce"," Edmonds, Bruce (2004) Artificial Science – a simulation test-bed for studying the social processes of science. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished) ","","2004"