"4187","A case of ciprofloxacin-induced acute polymorphic psychosis with a distinct deficit of the executive functions","We present the case of a 45-year-old female patient who developed an acute polymorphic psychosis after treatment with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The patient showed a distinct neuropsychological deficit of the executive function. Comparing the psychopharmacological features of ketamine and ciprofloxacine we hypothesize that ciprofloxacine leads to psychosis similar to a ketamine induced psychosis. Our case report is unique not only because fluorquinolone induced psychosis has a very low incidence, but although because we were the first in obtaining a detailed neuropsychological testing.","http://cogprints.org/4187/","Grimm, Dr. Oliver and Alm, Dr. Barbara","UNSPECIFIED"," Grimm, Dr. Oliver and Alm, Dr. Barbara (2005) A case of ciprofloxacin-induced acute polymorphic psychosis with a distinct deficit of the executive functions. [Preprint] ","","2005-04"