"3667","Coincidence, data compression, and Mach’s concept of “economy of thought” ","A case is made that Mach’s principle of “economy of thought”, and therefore usefulness, is related to the compressibility of data, but that a mathematical expression may compress data for reasons that are sometimes coincidental and sometimes not. An expression, therefore, may be sometimes explainable and sometimes not. A method is proposed for distinguishing coincidental data compression from non-coincidental, where this method may serve as a guide in uncovering new mathematical relationships. The method works by producing a probability that a given mathematical expression achieves its compression purely by chance.","http://cogprints.org/3667/","Markovitch, J. S.","UNSPECIFIED"," Markovitch, J. S. (2004) Coincidence, data compression, and Mach’s concept of “economy of thought”. [Preprint] ","","2004-06"