@misc{cogprints350, editor = {Vincent Rialle and Denis Fisette}, title = {La linguistique d'Aristote}, author = {Paul Jorion}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Grenoble}, year = {1996}, pages = {261--287}, journal = {Penser l?esprit: Des sciences de la cognition {\`a} une philosophie cognitive}, keywords = {Aristotle, meaning, semantics, syntax, logic, discourse generation, parts of speech, artificial intelligence, pragmatics}, url = {http://cogprints.org/350/}, abstract = {The divide between semantics, syntax and logic is absent from Aristotle?s linguistics where the progress from concept to discourse is continuous: concepts linked in pairs constitute judgments, judgments linked make clauses, clauses linked amount to discourse. One?s degree of adhesion to one?s own speech - from simple quotation to expression of personal belief - constitutes a final coating. Aristotle?s linguistics ? as it can be abstracted from the six books of the Organon and the Rhetorics - shows the way to an alternative approach to discourse generation dispensing with the obstacles linked with the semantics, syntax, logic divide.} }