
Natural Visualizations

Haroz, Steve and Ma, Dr. Kwan-Liu (2006) Natural Visualizations. [Conference Paper]


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This paper demonstrates the prevalence of a shared characteristic between visualizations and images of nature. We have analyzed visualization competitions and user studies of visualizations and found that the more preferred, better performing visualizations exhibit more natural characteristics. Due to our brain being wired to perceive natural images [SO01], testing a visualization for properties similar to those of natural images can help show how well our brain is capable of absorbing the data. In turn, a metric that finds a visualization’s similarity to a natural image may help determine the effectiveness of that visualization. We have found that the results of comparing the sizes and distribution of the objects in a visualization with those of natural standards strongly correlate to one’s preference of that visualization.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:visualization, natural image, visualization perception
Subjects:Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction
ID Code:5671
Deposited By: Haroz, Mr. Steve
Deposited On:20 Aug 2007
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

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References in Article

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