

TAN, Prof. Dr. Uner (2007) THE PSYCHOMOTOR THEORY OF HUMAN MIND. [Journal (Paginated)]

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This study presents a new theory to explain the neural origins of human mind. This is the psychomotor theory. The author briefly analyzed the historical development of the mind-brain theories. The close relations between psychological and motor systems were subjected to a rather detailed analysis, using psychiatric and neurological examples. The feedback circuits between mind, brain, and body were shown to occur within the mind-brain-body triad, in normal states, and psycho-neural diseases. It was stated that psychiatric signs and symptoms are coupled with motor disturbances; neurological diseases are coupled with psychological disturbances; changes in cortico-spinal motor-system activity may influence mind-brain-body triad, and vice versa. Accordingly, a psychomotor theory was created to explain the psychomotor coupling in health and disease, stating that, not themind-brain duality or unity, but themind-brain-body triad as a functional unit may be essential in health and disease, because mind does not end in the brain, but further controls movements, in a reciprocal manner; mental and motor events share the same neural substrate, cortical, and spinalmotoneurons;mental events emerging from the motoneuronal system expressed by the human language may be closely coupled with the unity of the mind-brain-body triad. So, the psychomotor theory rejects the mind-brain duality and instead advances the unity of the psychomotor system, which will have important consequences in understanding and improving the human mind, brain, and body in health and disease.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:brain, disease, health, mind, motor system, language
Subjects:Neuroscience > Neuropsychology
ID Code:5607
Deposited By: Tan, Prof. Dr. Uner
Deposited On:02 Aug 2007
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

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