
Trust Related to Certain Mind Processes

Laasonen, Ed.D. Raimo J (1999) Trust Related to Certain Mind Processes. (Unpublished)

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The research is sequel to the former researches the purpose of which is to inquire the mind processes from a different angle with newer concepts than used to do. The focus of the research was an attempt to answer the question: How does trust relate to the mind processes under scrutiny? Data and the dyads were obtained from an information competition through a video recorder. N was 56 or 14 contests were recorded. Reliability of observation proved to be 0.91 as assessed, sequentially. The overall reliability was 0.93. The analysis of the process based on the usual and dynamic probabilities of the responses. The proper device of the analysis was conditional probabilities between the bursts of the processes. The results indicate that trust is the shifter, especially the social shifter that keeps the transmuters of the dyads in going. Furthermore, trust is the intervening relational process between gender, and former experience and the transmuter that produces and works up the mind processes. Thus the shifter much regulates what kinds of mindamics grow and develop when persons are in the minimum social group, at least, under these research circumstances. 1I gratefully acknowledge the help of John G. Holmes and Jeremy Dugash in preparation of this manuscript.

Item Type:Other
Keywords:an initial form, a mental shape, a mindy,a configuration, gender, former experience
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:5404
Deposited By: Laasonen, Ed.D Raimo J
Deposited On:19 Feb 2007
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

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