
Chickens prefer beautiful humans

Ghirlanda, Stefano and Jansson, Liselotte and Enquist, Magnus (2002) Chickens prefer beautiful humans. [Journal (Paginated)]

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We trained chickens to react to an average human female face but not to an average male face (or vice-versa). In a subsequent test, the animals showed preferences for faces consistent with human sexual preferences (obtained from university students). This suggests that human preferences arise from general properties of nervous systems, rather than from face-specific adaptations. We discuss this result in the light of current debate on the meaning of sexual signals, and suggest further tests of existing hypotheses about the origin of sexual preferences.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:facial attractiveness, generalization
Subjects:Biology > Ethology
Biology > Animal Cognition
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
Psychology > Evolutionary Psychology
Biology > Animal Behavior
ID Code:5272
Deposited By: Ghirlanda, Dr Stefano
Deposited On:03 Dec 2006
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56


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