Outline of Principes des systèmes intelligents (Principles of intelligent systems - 1990a)

Paul Jorion

Official reference: Principes des systèmes intelligents, Paris: Masson, 1990



Chapter 1: Introduction :

Chapter 2: Principles of intelligent systems

1. What is an intelligent system ?

2. What are the components of an intelligent system ?

3. Does an intelligent system resemble a human being ?

4. Does an intelligent system function like a human being ?

Chapter 3: Traits of an intelligent system

Chapter 4: Intelligent systems in the perspective of self-organization

1. The chimpanzee on the typewriter method

2. The rules method

3. The blow by blow method

Chapter 5: The elements of discourse

Chapter 6: Recollection, thought, reasoning and discourse

1. Memory traces

2. A historical perspective

3. Associationism

4. Thought and ideas

5. Folk psychology

6. Thought language

7. Words as signifiers

Chapter 7: Associative chaining

1. Icons

2. Reasoning

Chapter 8: Memory organization

Chapter 9: Associative chaining types

1. Material associative chaining

2. Semantic associative chaining

2.1. Synonymy

2.2. Linguistic and physical models

2.3. Logic

2.4. Attribution

2.5. « Autobiographical » associative chaining

2.6. The « simple » connection

Chapter 10: The memory network

1. Semantic networks

2. Memory networks

3. The dual of a graph

4. Belief and knowledge

Chapter 11: Walks through a memory network

Chapter 12: The affect dynamics

Chapter 13: The meaning of a word

1. Meaning

2. Reference

3. Associative chaining

4. Ambiguity

Chapter 14: Activation of a memory network

1. The problematic nature of intention

2. Intention as a post hoc reconstruction

3. The compulsive expression of a worry

4. Conclusion

Chapter 15: Learning

Chapter 16: The meaning of the clause and the meaning of the word

Chapter 17: Contents and framework words

1. The evidence from aphasia

2. The evidence from the Chinese

3. Categoremes and syncategoremes

4. Syntax and semantics

Chapter 18: logic as a framework

1. Logic as a system of rules

2. Logic is emergent

3. The syllogism

4. Logic is insufficient to ensure the compatibility of consecutive sentences

Chapter 19: Truth I. Equation of the word with the thing itself

1. Truth as a remainder of logic

2. The world as it stands

3. Encyclopedic and descriptive knowledge

4. Potential world and actual world

5. Analytic and synthetic truth

6. Commonsense knowledge

7. Truth and temporality

Chapter 20: Truth 2. The produce of negotiation

1. True and appropriate

2. Truth of speech and truth of discourse

3. Shared knowledge

4. The masters of truth

Chapter 21: The adhesion of the speaker

1. Self-reference

2. The dialectic dimension of truth

3. Degrees of adhesion

4. Intelligence as a disposition to negotiating

5. Opinion and demonstration

6. Conclusion

Chapter 22: the meaning of the clause

1. Associative connectors and compatibility modulators

2. Theoretical concepts and pre-systematic notions

Chapter 23: Conclusion