
Experimental research on complex problem solving

Funke, Joachim (1995) Experimental research on complex problem solving. [Book Chapter]

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(from the preface) deals with methodological issues in CPS [complex problem solving] / reviews experimental approaches to studying CPS where the contributions of the person, the task situation, and the interaction between the person and the task situation were systematically manipulated / discusses when it is appropriate to use experimental methods in CPS research, and how this can be done more effectively (from the chapter) pros and cons of experimental research [a critique of the analytical approach, alternatives to ANOVA techniques, features of the experimental approach] / a taxonomy of variables that affect complex problem solving / experimental research on complex problem solving [studies on person factors, studies on situation factors, studies on system factors, studies on interaction effects]

Item Type:Book Chapter
Keywords:complex problem solving
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:3003
Deposited By: Funke, Dr. Joachim
Deposited On:06 Jun 2003
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55


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