
Increasing Evolvability Considered as a Large-Scale Trend in Evolution

Turney, Peter (1999) Increasing Evolvability Considered as a Large-Scale Trend in Evolution. [Conference Paper]

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Evolvability is the capacity to evolve. This paper introduces a simple computational model of evolvability and demonstrates that, under certain conditions, evolvability can increase indefinitely, even when there is no direct selection for evolvability. The model shows that increasing evolvability implies an accelerating evolutionary pace. It is suggested that the conditions for indefinitely increasing evolvability are satisfied in biological and cultural evolution. We claim that increasing evolvability is a large-scale trend in evolution. This hypothesis leads to testable predictions about biological and cultural evolution.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:evolutionary trends, evolutionary progress, large-scale trends, evolvability, Baldwin effect
Subjects:Biology > Evolution
Biology > Theoretical Biology
ID Code:2499
Deposited By: Turney, Peter
Deposited On:09 Oct 2002
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

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