
Unsolvable Problems, Visual Imagery and Explanatory Satisfaction

Krellenstein, Marc (1995) Unsolvable Problems, Visual Imagery and Explanatory Satisfaction. [Journal (Paginated)]

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It has been suggested that certain problems may be unsolvable because of the mind's cognitive structure, but we may wonder what problems, and exactly why. The ultimate origin of the universe and the mind-body problem seem to be two such problems. As to why, Colin McGinn has argued that the mind-body problem is unsolvable because any theoretical concepts about the brain will be observation-based and unable to connect to unobservable subjective experience. McGinn's argument suggests a requirement of imagability -- an observation basis -- for physical causal explanation that cannot be met for either of these problems. Acausal descriptions may be possible but not the causal analyses that provide the greatest explanatory satisfaction, a psychological phenomenon that seems tied to the strength of the underlying observation basis but is affected by other factors as well.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:unsolvable problems, mind-body problem, origin of the universe, causal descriptions, imagability
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
ID Code:1957
Deposited By: Krellenstein, Dr. Marc
Deposited On:02 Dec 2001
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

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