
Schemas in the Cognitive and Clinical Sciences: An Integrative Construct

Stein, Dan J. (1992) Schemas in the Cognitive and Clinical Sciences: An Integrative Construct. [Journal (Paginated)]

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ABSTRACT This paper is concerned in general with the intersection of cognitive and clinical science and in particular with schema theory. The use of schema theory in the various subdisciplines of cognitive science, as well as by cognitive-behavioral clinicians and psychoanalytically oriented clinicians is reviewed. It is argued that schema theory, in both cognitive and clinical sciences, allows a focus on mental structures their biological basis, their development and change, and on the way in which they direct psychological events. Schema theory not only enables important advances in different clinical schools, but it allows central clinical themes to be tackled in convergent ways. It is concluded that the schema construct allows integration within cognitive science, within the clinic, and between the two.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Schemas, Cognitve Science, Psychotherapy Integration
Subjects:Psychology > Clinical Psychology
Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:1114
Deposited By: Stein, Dan
Deposited On:16 Nov 2000
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

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